
Our mission is to empower children in Liberia through education, giving them hope for a future and showing them the love of God.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Executive management board

Moses Kollie - Executive Director
Anthonisus Jappah - Chairperson
Cecilia Williams - Secretary
Barry Kirsch - Treasurer
Varney Fomba - Member
Fred Speers - Member

Executive management team

Vero Wah
Eskul Koliyah
Varney Fomba
Larry George
Daramy Kamarah
Kay Trail
Wil Dolo - Liberia Country Director

Moses Kollie - Executive Director

CWB Map3, Green.jpg

Fifteen years of civil war in the West African nation of Liberia has left thousands of children vulnerable and unable to access the education they need to thrive.

  • Tragically, Liberia is known to have one of the lowest standards for education in Africa. 

  • Many school-age girls sell their bodies in exchange for education.

  • Thousands of school age children cannot go to school because their parents cannot afford to pay the school tuition fees, buy school supplies, and uniforms.

Your partnership with Cold Water Boyz will empower children to experience a brighter tomorrow.  

School Supplies Drive

You can participate in an annual school supplies drive, providing students in three Liberian schools with the needed uniforms, backpacks, and supplies they need to start school.

Child Educational Sponsorship

Educational sponsorships are a great way to show God’s love in a personal way. Your sponsorship provides a child’s tuition fees, uniform and school supplies.

Well Repair

Help provide sanitary drinking water for families, and ensure students remain healthy and active participants in school. 

Orphanage – Early Achievers

Early childhood development is essential in preparing children to succeed. Donate to our orphanage fund to provide rice, mattresses, and pampers.

A Secondary School, Library, and Vocational Training Center

School in our rural target zone stops at sixth grade, leaving students far behind in education and career opportunities. A future CWB school, library and vocational training center will empower under-served youth to become contributing members of our community and society.   

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.



We grew up in Liberia during the fifteen year Civil War; a war that left ourselves and the majority of Liberian people with a fractured educational system. When we came to the United States, we continued our primary education, graduated from high school and pursued post-secondary education.

As we experienced the benefits of a strong education, we had a conviction to help young people in Liberia also experience the hope that education can bring.

However, due to the weak post war infrastructure, today education in Liberia is only available to those who can afford school tuition, uniforms, and supplies.

We believe all children are valuable and deserve a quality education.

While growing up in Liberia we would often earn money by selling small bags of cold water. Today, we carry that symbol as our commitment to share God’s love in a practical way to the children and youth of Liberia.


Promotional Video