Leadership Academy Framework and Structure Rationale and Overview

A clear vision and detailed plans are essential to maximizing an organization's resources (time, talents, and treasures). Aligning leadership and the board allows organizations to navigate transitions, put problems and challenges in context, and evolve naturally.


The HBB Leadership Academy is a comprehensive approach to build organizational capacity so leaders, management teams and board members can:

 Project/Predict the future needs of the organization

●    Project/Predict the future needs of the organization

●    Make plans and decisions proactively

●    Differentiate roles and responsibilities

●    Operate a healthy business model


1. Assessment-completed annually by leadership and board to assess organization capacity, stage of development and training needs

2. Workshops-a menu of HBB Leadership Academy workshop topics will be identified and completed annually. Specific deliverables will be assigned to demonstrate application and learning.

3. Online Cohorts – a menu of professional development virtual cohorts available each fall and spring for Executive Management Boards and Executive Management Teams to:

            i. Furthering general competencies needed to lead in your respective areas of leadership more effectively.

           ii. Connect with other program leaders

4. Progress Review-HBB staff will review the completed workshop deliverables to ensure leadership accomplishes the goals set in their strategic plan.

Accountability Structure

Organizations will apply their learning and use HBB Leadership Academy workshop content to advance their strategic goals, and accountability measures will be put in place. They include but are not limited to:

●    Workshop evaluation completed by all who attend. The evaluation will track changes in knowledge, skill, and attitude specific to the subject matter.

●   Progress Review. After each workshop, partners will be asked to complete a deliverable to advance their strategic goals and demonstrate their learning.

●  Annual Partners Meeting. Each year, all partners will come together to hear updates from HBB staff and board, changes in partnership expectations, and affirm the HBB mission, vision, values, and measures of success.

●   Executive Director Evaluation. There will be a section added to the Executive Director's annual evaluation with points awarded for workshop completion and learning application.

Assessment Process

HBB will work with the board and leadership to assess their capacity and determine an educational pathway to strengthen the organization. An organizational assessment will be completed annually as part of the strategic plan and goal-setting process. The goal of the assessment is to align the board and leadership to:

●  Develop shared language and an understanding of the current state of the union

●  Design an agreed-upon set of targeted tasks, timeline, and accountability structure for the year

●  Determine the specific training and development needs that exist for members of the board and leadership


Stages of Development

HBB is committed to incubate programs and initiatives, build leadership capacity, and establish governance and program structures to serve communities well. The continuum of support goes from Start-Up to Growth to Maturity. Workshops, coaching, and training help leadership transition from an idea to a thriving community-based organization. Each stage is described below:

●  Start-Up: Establish a robust organizational foundation that includes creating a mission, vision, values, strategic priorities, leadership, and organizational structures.

●  Growth: Budgeting, program design, and development, marketing and communication, fundraising, implementation, and evaluation

●  Maturity: Board and staff roles, continuous education, organizational assessment.

*Workshops included in the stages of development are included in the 3-5 year pathway