The program incubator offers Executive Director and Launch Team coaching and consulting, and a series of 15 workshops and seminars that guide your team through the Start-Up, Growth, and Maturity stages of organizational development.
Start-Up (Orientation - 18 Months)
1. Launch team orientation
EEA representative meets with the program launch team to review program policies and procedures and answer any questions related to guidelines, insurance, back-end office suite.
2. Founding Director meets with their assigned EEA coach minimum of ten times a year.
3. Launch Team meets a minimum of ten times a year.
*Five meetings are HBB workshops and five meetings are to follow up on action steps from workshops and additional program and organizational development.
Achieving Strategic Clarity / Vision Story 100.1
Discovering your Core Values and Purpose 100.2
Developing a Dynamic Strategic Plan 100.3
Strength-Based Leadership 100.4
Governance and Leadership Models 100.5
Growth (18 – 36 Months)
1. Executive Director meets with their assigned coach minimum of 10 times a year.
2. Launch Team determines transition strategy into Executive Management Board (EMB).
3. EMB continues to meet for workshops.
4. Team members have access to EEA’s online resources and are encouraged to participate in a minimum of one module/cohort based on their role and the available modules.
Developing a Dynamic Strategic Plan 200.1
Creating a Fundraising Strategy 200.2
Cross-Cultural Competency 200.3
Marketing and Communications 200.4
Effectively Communicating your Mission 200.5
Maturity (36-60 Months)
1. Launch team forms EMB (Unless completed in Growth Phase).
2. EMB continues to meet for workshops.
3. Team members have access to EEA’s 0nline resources are encouraged to participate in a minimum of one module/cohort based on their role and the available modules.
Developing a Dynamic Strategic Plan 300.1
Grant Writing 300.2
Fundraising through Banquets (or Virtual Events) 300.3
Expansion – Program Development and Evaluation 300.4
Emotionally Healthy Leadership 300.5